When local variables are used in codeblocks then it's possible that the codeblocks will exist after leaving the function when they were created. It's potentially very serious problem which have to be resolved to avoid internal VM structure corruption. In Clipper, Harbour and xHarbour special mechanism is used in such situation. Local variables are "detached" from VM stack so they are still accessible after leaving the function, f.e.: proc make_cb() local n := 123 return {|| ++n } We call such variables "detached locals". Here there are two important differences between Clipper and [x]Harbour. In Clipper variables are detached when function exits (returns) and it does not know which variables were used but simply detach whole local variable frame from VM stack. It's very important to know that because it can be source of serious memory problems in OS like DOS. This simple code illustrates it: // link using RTLINK and run with //e:0 //swapk:0 // repeat test second time with additional non empty parameter#define N_LOOPS 15 #xcommand FREE MEMORY => ? 'free memory: ' + ; AllTrim( Str( Memory( 104 ) ) ) proc main( x ) local n, a a := array( N_LOOPS ) FREE MEMORY for n := 1 to N_LOOPS a[n] := f( x ) FREE MEMORY next return func f(x) local cb, tmp, ref tmp := space( 60000 ) if empty( x ) cb := {|| .t. } else cb := {|| ref } endif return cb If you execute above program with non empty parameter then 'tmp' variable is detached with codeblock which uses 'ref' variable and not released as long as codeblock is still accessible. It means that in few iterations all memory are allocated and program crashes. Clipper's programmers should know that and be careful when use detached local and if necessary clear explicitly other local variables before returning from the function by setting NIL to them. In Harbour and xHarbour only variables explicitly used in codeblocks are detached and detaching is done when codeblock is created and original local variables are replaced by references. It is possible because Harbour and xHarbour support multilevel references chains so it works correctly also for local parameters passed be reference from parent functions. In Clipper only one level references are supported what creates second important differences. When Clipper detaches frame with local parameters then it has to unreference all existing references breaking them. This code illustrates it: proc main() local cb, n := 100 mk_block( @cb, @n ) ? "after detaching:" ? eval( cb ), n return proc mk_block( cb, n ) n := 100 cb := {|| ++n } ? "before detaching:" ? eval( cb ), n return Above code compiled by Clipper shows: before detaching: 101 101 after detaching: 102 101 so after detaching the references to 'n' variable is broken and codeblocks access his own copy of this variables. In Harbour it works correctly so the results are correct and it shows: before detaching: 101 101 after detaching: 102 102 In xHarbour ( for unknown to me reasons ) Clipper bug is explicitly emulated though it was possible to fix it because xHarbour inherited from Harbour the same early detaching mechanism with multilevel references so just like in Clipper xHarbour programmers have to carefully watch for possibly broken references by detached locals and add workarounds for it if necessary.
This is the successor to Clipper... Clipper... Clipper, a popular & well-linked CA-Clipper website which I started in 1995 and which went offline in 2002
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Harbour/xharbour Diff : 8/57 - DETACHED LOCALS AND REFERENCES by Przemyslaw Czerpak
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Harbour/xharbour Diff : 7/57 - PASSING OBJECT VARIABLES BY REFERENCEby Przemyslaw Czerpak
Both compilers support passing object variables by reference though this functionality in xHarbour
is limited to pure instance or class variables only and does not work for SETGET methods.
In Harbour it works correctly.
This code illustrates the problem: proc main() local oBrw := tbrowseNew() ? oBrw:autoLite oBrw:autoLite := !oBrw:autoLite ?? "=>", oBrw:autoLite p( @oBrw:autoLite ) ?? "=>", oBrw:autoLite proc p( x ) x := !x Harbour prints: .T.=> .F.=> .T. but xHarbour prints: .T.=> .F.=> .F. without generating any compile or run time errors.
Monday, March 21, 2011
HMG.3.0.36 is now Compatible with HB 2.1rc2
CCH : Thanx to Rathi from the HMG Forum, HMG 3.0.36 can now be compiled with Harbour 2.1 rc2 Code: - HMG 3.0.36 (Test) 2011/03/19 Changelog: - Built using latest Harbour Nightly Build (2011/03/16) - Following Modifications done on official HMG 3.0.35 * Edit in \hmg\source\c_media.c - Replace line no. 144 with the following: // hwnd=MCIWndCreate((HWND) hb_parnl(1),NULL,Style,hb_parc(2)); * Edit in \hmg\source\h_init.prg - Replace line no. 628 with the following: _HMG_SYSDATA [ 306 ] := ( EMPTY( CreateMutex( , .T., strtran(GetProgramFileName(),'\','_') ) ) .OR. (HMGGetLastError() > 0) ) * Edit in \hmg\source\c_winapimisc.c - Replace line no. 416 to 419 with the following: HB_FUNC ( HMGGETLASTERROR ) { hb_retnl( (LONG) GetLastError() ) ; } * Edit in \hmg\source\h_windows.prg. Replace line no 5588 with the following: uResult := CallDll32 ( "IsAppThemed" , "UXTHEME.DLL" ) - Changed HMG Build system to hbmk2 by adapting HMG 4 and latest Harbour method. - Changed HMG Build Application System by adapting HMG 4. Please make use of newbuild.bat in samples folder or buildapp.bat in hmg main folder. | ![]() | |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Tutorial QT & Harbour Rev. [964] (new link)
The rev. [964] of the tutorial is available at:
Giovanni Di Maria
There is a VERY IMPORTANT topic at page 78, about a functional form
created by QT Creator.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Harbour/xharbour Diff : 6/57 - PASSING ARRAY AND HASH ITEMS BY REFERENCE by Przemyslaw Czerpak
Harbour supports passing array and hash items by reference, f.e.:
proc main()
local aVal := { "abc", "klm", "xyz" }, ;
hVal := { "qwe"=>"123", "asd"=>"456", "zxc"=>"789" }
? aVal[1], aVal[2], aVal[3], hVal["qwe"], hVal["asd"], hVal["zxc"]
p( @aVal[2], @hVal["asd"] )
? aVal[1], aVal[2], aVal[3], hVal["qwe"], hVal["asd"], hVal["zxc"]
proc p( p1, p2 )
p1 := '[1]'
p2 := '[2]'
Compiled by Harbour above code shows:
abc klm xyz 123 456 789
abc [1] xyz 123 [2] 789
In xHarbour only passing array items by reference works but does not work
passing hash items by reference though it does not generate either
compile time or run time errors so the above code can be compiled and
executed but it shows:
abc klm xyz 123 456 789
abc [1] xyz 123 456 789
HMGS-IDE Released on 16th March 2011
Hi All,
The updated HMGS-IDE binary and sources are published
at the following URL:
2011-03-16: version
*Fixed: problem at creating a new report. Bug was reported by Sudip
*Fixed: problem at deleting the all reports.
You can update this build via clicking 'Update' menuitem in the main
menu 'Help'.
Kind Regards,
Grigory Filatov
[MiniGUI Team]
Harbour MiniGUI 1.9 Extended Edition (Build 94) Released on 15th March 2011
Hi All,
The Harbour MiniGUI 1.9 Extended Edition (Build 94) setup is published at the following URL:
There is the following changelog for this build:
2011/03/15: Build 94 (HMG 1.9 Extended Edition) Published.
* Fixed: The 'OnChange' event fired by mouse click in the celled GRID without
changing of the cell. It exists in the official version too.
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
(see demo2.prg in folder \samples\Basic\Grid_7)
* Fixed: The Radiogroup executes 'OnChange' event by mouse click when it's value
is not changed. It exists in the official version too.
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
(see demo1.prg in folder \samples\Basic\RadioGroup)
* Fixed: Minor correction of RadioGroup SetFocus behaviour.
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
* Enhanced: RadioGroup accepts now a zero value. This is usefully when we want
init a radiogroup without default value.
When we assign a value greater or smaller than radiogroup elements amount,
the previous value will be mainted and not display the runtime error.
Based upon a contribution by Eduardo Fernandes
(see demo3.prg in folder \samples\Basic\RadioGroup)
* Enhanced: DATEPICKER control supports a new clause RANGE dRangeMin, dRangeMax.
You can set/get these properties at runtime:
- function syntax:
SetProperty ( Form, DatePick, 'RangeMin', dData )
GetProperty ( Form, DatePick, 'RangeMax' ) --> dData
- pseudo-OOP syntax:
Form.DatePick.RangeMin := dData
Form.DatePick.RangeMax --> dData
You can erase date range at runtime via:
Form.DatePick.RangeMin := 0
Form.DatePick.RangeMax := 0
Requested by Anibal Villalobos Guillen
Based upon a code by Alfredo Franceschetti
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
(see demo2.prg in folder \samples\Basic\DatePicker)
* Changed: Minor improvements in the functions InputBox() and InputWindow().
Suggested by Honorio A. S. Almeida
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
(see demo in folder \samples\Basic\InputBox)
* Changed: The internal function Random() is defined as pseudo-function now.
It is a wrapper for the Harbour function hb_RandomInt().
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
* Changed: The WinAPI constants from h_msgbox.prg are moved to header file i_winuser.ch.
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
(see i_winuser.ch in folder Include\)
* Updated: RichEditBox control:
- Modified: RichEdit Dll v.4.1 unicode support at WinXP SP1 or later.
Based upon a contribution by Janusz Pora
- Added: unloading RichEdit Dll at program exit.
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
* Updated: PropGrid library source code (see in folder \Source\PropGrid):
- Fixed: C-code cleaning for warnings with BCC.
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
* Updated: PropSheet library source code (see in folder \Source\PropSheet):
- Fixed: C-code cleaning for warnings with BCC.
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
* Updated: Adaptation FiveWin Class TSBrowse 9.0 in HMG:
- Fixed: Font assigning at inplace editing in btnbox, combo, datepicker and getbox.
- Fixed: Missing Alias qualification in the SetDbf method.
Contributed by Igor Nazarov.
- Changed: Function OrdScope() was used for index based filters.
Contributed by Janusz Pora
* Updated: Harbour Compiler 2.1.0rc2 (SVN 2011-03-11 13:41):
* Updated: most important differences between Harbour and xHarbour
(see xhb-diff.txt in folder \harbour\doc)
Contributed by Grigory Filatov
(look at ReadMe.txt in folder \harbour)
* Updated: HMGS-IDE v.1.0.7. Project Manager and Two-Way Visual Form Designer.
Contributed by Walter Formigoni
(look for what's new at changelog.txt in folder \Ide)
* New: 'Display Structure' sample.
Based upon a contribution by Marcos Antonio Gambeta
(see in folder \samples\Basic\DISPLAY_STRUCTURE)
* New: 'HMG Radiogroup' sample. Borrowed from HMG 4 project.
Adapted by Grigory Filatov
(see demo1.prg in folder \samples\Basic\RadioGroup)
* New: 'TsBrowse Incremental search' sample.
Based upon a contribution by Igor Nazarov
(see in folder \samples\Advanced\Tsb_filter)
* Updated: MsgEdit sample:
- Changed: function hb_GetImageSize() was used instead of XImage.dll.
Based on code contributed by Andi Jahja
(see in folder \samples\Basic\MsgEdit)
This release of MiniGUI is considered stable and ready for production use.
Your comments/feedback are welcome!
Best Regards,
Grigory Filatov
[MiniGUI Team]
Sunday, March 13, 2011
How to create libminigui.a with MingW32 by Walter Formigoni
1-download and install Mingw32. if you use hmg from Roberto, Mingw32 is
already instaled in c:\hmg\mingw
2-compile harbour with Mingw32. if you use hmg from Roberto, Mingw32 is
already instaled in c:\hmg\harbour
some libs of contrib are not created. verify if these libs are
essencial and compile them too.
3-in c:\minigui\source create makefile.gcc
4-create folder c:\minigui\obj (if not exist)
//begin makefile.gcc
HRB_DIR = c:/hmg/harbour
INC_DIR = c:/minigui/include
OBJ_DIR = c:/minigui/obj
LIB_DIR = c:/minigui/lib
SRC_DIR = c:/minigui/source
CFLAGS = -Wall -mno-cygwin -O3
all: \
$(LIB_DIR)/libminigui.a \
$(LIB_DIR)/libminigui.a : \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_media.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_browse.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_error.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_ipaddress.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_monthcal.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_help.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_status.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_tree.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_toolbar.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/errorsys.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_init.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_winapimisc.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_slider.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_button.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_checkbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_combo.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_controlmisc.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_datepicker.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_editbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_grid.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_windows.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_image.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_label.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_listbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_menu.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_msgbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_frame.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_progressbar.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_radio.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_spinner.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_tab.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_textbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_timer.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_font.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_hotkey.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_richeditbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_DRAW.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_EDIT_EX.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_GRAPH.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_dialogs.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_pager.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_media.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_ipaddress.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_monthcal.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_help.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_status.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_tree.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_toolbar.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_button.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_checkbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_combo.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_controlmisc.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_datepicker.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_resource.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_font.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_richeditbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_editbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_dialogs.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_grid.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_windows.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_image.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_label.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_listbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_menu.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_msgbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_frame.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_progressbar.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_radio.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_slider.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_spinner.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_tab.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_textbox.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_timer.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_winapimisc.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_hotkey.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_browse.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_GRAPH.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_WINXP.o \
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_pager.o \
ar rc $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_media.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_media.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_ipaddress.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_ipaddress.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_monthcal.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_monthcal.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_help.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_help.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_status.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_status.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_tree.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_tree.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_toolbar.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_toolbar.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_button.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_button.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_checkbox.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_checkbox.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_combo.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_combo.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_controlmisc.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_controlmisc.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_datepicker.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_datepicker.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_resource.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_resource.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_font.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_font.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_richeditbox.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_richeditbox.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_editbox.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_editbox.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_dialogs.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_dialogs.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_grid.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_grid.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_windows.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_windows.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_image.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_image.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_label.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_label.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_listbox.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_listbox.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_menu.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_menu.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_msgbox.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_msgbox.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_frame.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_frame.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_progressbar.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_progressbar.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_radio.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_radio.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_slider.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_slider.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_spinner.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_spinner.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_tab.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_tab.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_textbox.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_textbox.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_timer.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_timer.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_winapimisc.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_winapimisc.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_hotkey.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_hotkey.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_browse.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_browse.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/c_pager.o : $(SRC_DIR)/c_pager.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_media.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_media.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_browse.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_browse.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_error.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_error.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_ipaddress.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_ipaddress.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_monthcal.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_monthcal.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_help.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_help.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_status.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_status.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_tree.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_tree.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_toolbar.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_toolbar.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/errorsys.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/errorsys.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_init.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_init.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_winapimisc.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_winapimisc.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_slider.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_slider.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_button.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_button.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_checkbox.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_checkbox.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_combo.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_combo.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_controlmisc.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_controlmisc.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_datepicker.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_datepicker.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_editbox.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_editbox.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_dialogs.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_dialogs.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_pager.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_pager.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_grid.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_grid.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_windows.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_windows.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_image.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_image.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_label.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_label.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_listbox.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_listbox.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_menu.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_menu.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_msgbox.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_msgbox.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_frame.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_frame.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_progressbar.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_progressbar.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_radio.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_radio.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_spinner.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_spinner.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_tab.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_tab.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_textbox.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_textbox.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_timer.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_timer.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_font.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_font.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_hotkey.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_hotkey.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_richeditbox.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_richeditbox.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_DRAW.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_DRAW.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_EDIT.o : $(OBJ_DIR)/h_EDIT.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_media.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_media.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_browse.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_browse.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_error.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_error.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_ipaddress.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_ipaddress.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_monthcal.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_monthcal.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_help.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_help.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_status.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_status.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_tree.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_tree.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_toolbar.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_toolbar.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/errorsys.c : $(SRC_DIR)/errorsys.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_init.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_init.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_winapimisc.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_winapimisc.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_slider.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_slider.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_button.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_button.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_checkbox.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_checkbox.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_combo.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_combo.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_controlmisc.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_controlmisc.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_datepicker.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_datepicker.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_editbox.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_editbox.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_dialogs.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_dialogs.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_grid.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_grid.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_windows.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_windows.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_image.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_image.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_label.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_label.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_listbox.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_listbox.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_menu.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_menu.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_msgbox.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_msgbox.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_frame.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_frame.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_progressbar.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_progressbar.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_radio.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_radio.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_spinner.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_spinner.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_tab.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_tab.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_textbox.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_textbox.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_timer.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_timer.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_font.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_font.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_hotkey.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_hotkey.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_richeditbox.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_richeditbox.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_DRAW.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_DRAW.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_EDIT.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_EDIT.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_EDIT_EX.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_EDIT_EX.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_GRAPH.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_GRAPH.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/h_pager.c : $(SRC_DIR)/h_pager.prg
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
$(HRB_DIR)/bin\harbour.exe $^ -n -I$(HRB_DIR)/include
-i$(INC_DIR) -d__WINDOWS__ -o$@ $^
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -I$(INC_DIR) -I$(HRB_DIR)/include -o $@ $^
//end makefile.gcc
5-create makelib.bat
//begin makelib.bat
@echo off
set PATH=c:\hmg\mingw\bin
if "%1" == "clean" goto CLEAN
if "%1" == "CLEAN" goto CLEAN
mingw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc
if errorlevel 1 goto BUILD_ERR
goto EXIT
goto EXIT
del lib\*.a
del lib\*.bak
del obj\*.o
del obj\*.c
goto EXIT
//end makelib.bat
Kind regards
Walter Formigoni
Does a Smaller EXE size equates to Better Execution Speed ?
Viktor as well as Gustavo of the Minigui forum convinced me that a smaller EXE does not mean faster execution.
Hi CCH, I mean in the execution, for example if we have a window with many controls in an ABM my case, there are 98 in a Textbox Tab, at the beginningof the ABM and the controls are going dabdole Enabled: =. F. Borland is avisual effect of this work with Mingw this is not reflected, the load is instantaneous.
Yes, bcc produces smaller but much slower exes. bcc is by far the slowest of all Windows C compilers.
Viktor :
must chose between size and speed (and there is usually some balanced optimum in between).
FOR tmp := 1 TO 5
? tmp
is smaller, but slower than this:
? 1
? 2
? 3
? 4
? 5
This is called loop unrolling optimization, and just one of the many possibilities.
[ Raw launch time is mainly influenced by other things, like storage
medium, number of .dll dependencies, exe compression. Plus of
course any application level init code, which is affected by execution
speed. ]
So, it would appear that it may be worthwhile to try recompiling the mingui.lib using MIngW32 :-)
So the next article would be to let Walter Formigoni to teach us how to do so
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Harbour (2.1) and QT Classes (4.7) - Tutorial by Giovanni Di Maria
This tutorial is a brief, continuously updated, of the use of the classes QT with Harbour language.
It is specifically written for beginners that initially encountered some difficulties in using these classes, however, extremely powerful and efficient.
The approach of the tutorial is different from other guides that are online. It simply focuses a single class or single object, so you do not get lost in the maze of the vast files of examples provided with the product.
This will easily learn to manage and plan their individual class, as needed, and, finally, to put "together" the whole.
Giovanni Di Maria
email: calimero22@yahoo.it
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Harbour/xharbour Diff (5/57) - REFERENCES TO VARIABLES STORED IN ARRAYS by Przemyslaw Czerpak
In xHarbour the behavior of references stored in array is reverted in comparison to Clipper or Harbour.
In Clipper and Harbour VM executing code like: aVal[ 1 ] := 100 clears unconditionally 1-st item in aVal array and assigns to it value 100. xHarbour checks if aVal[ 1 ] is an reference and in such case it resolves the reference and then assign 100 to the destination item. On access Clipper and Harbour VM executing code like: x := aVal[ 1 ] copy to x the exact value stored in aVal[ 1 ]. xHarbour checks is aVal[ 1 ] is an reference and in such case it resolves the reference and then copy to x the value of reference destination item. It can be seen in code like: proc main local p1 := "A", p2 := "B", p3 := "C" ? p1, p2, p3 p( { @p1, p2, @p3 } ) ? p1, p2, p3 proc p( aParams ) local x1, x2, x3 x1 := aParams[ 1 ] x2 := aParams[ 2 ] x3 := aParams[ 3 ] x1 := lower( x1 ) + "1" x2 := lower( x2 ) + "2" x3 := lower( x3 ) + "3" Harbour and Clipper shows: A B C a1 B c3 but xHarbour: A B C A B C It's not Clipper compatible so in some cases it may cause portability problems. F.e. code like above was used in Clipper as workaround for limited number of parameters (32 in Clipper). But it allows to directly assign items of arrays returned by hb_aParams() and updating corresponding variables passed by references (see functions with variable number of parameters below). Anyhow the fact that xHarbour does not have '...' operator which can respect existing references in passed parameters and does not support named parameters in functions with variable number of parameters causes that reverted references introduce limitation, f.e. it's not possible to make code like: func f( ... ) local aParams := hb_aParams() if len( aParams ) == 1 return f1( aParams[ 1 ] ) elseif len( aParams ) == 2 return f2( aParams[ 1 ], aParams[ 2 ] ) elseif len( aParams ) >= 3 return f3( aParams[ 1 ], aParams[ 2 ], aParams[ 3 ] ) endif return 0 which will respect references in parameters passed to f() function.
HMGS-IDE 1.0.7 Released on 9th March 2011
Hi All,
The updated HMGS-IDE 1.0.7 binary and sources are published
at the following URL:
Whatsnew by Walter Formigoni:
2011-03-07: version 1.0.7
*Added: in menu delete special control DROPDOWN MENU.
*Added : in controlorder option to show or not Label control. Requested by Sudip <sudipb001@gmail.com>
*Changed: in loadform of control TSBROWSE with complete fields.
*Added: copy controls. Requested by Sudip <sudipb001@gmail.com>
*Changed : in controls , selecting a control will be copied to form until is unchecked by DeSelect button.
You can update this build via clicking 'Update' menuitem in the main
menu 'Help'.
Kind Regards,
Grigory Filatov
[MiniGUI Team]
Monday, March 7, 2011
Habour 2.1 now supports Alert() mapped to MessageBox()
2011-01-10 20:02 UTC+0100 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
* harbour/src/rtl/gtgui/gtgui.c
+ added basic support for redirecting ALERT() to MessageBox() in
MS-Windows GTGUI builds. Please remember that MessageBox() supports
only few predefined buttons so it's not possible to show all user
options. Anyhow it should be enough to present error messages
generated by default error handler.
I am sure you know what this means to Clipper programmers migrating their codes to Harbour :-)
Just tested Alert() as in :-
nchoice := Alert( 'Print or Display &mreptname', { 'PRINT', 'DISPLAY', 'CANCEL' } )
1. Can handle up to 3 buttons. If a 4th button is added to the array of choices, only 1 button will show up
2. No Window title
3. No Icon
Adding MsgInfo() Functionality to a Harbour app
* An MsgInfo() implementation using hbwin library.
* 06/03/2011 - 21:56:45
* COMPILE: hbmk2 msginfo1.prg -run -lhbwin
#include "hbwin.ch"
? MsgInfo( "This is a single test" )
Vailton Renato
Friday, March 4, 2011
Harbour/xharbour Diff (4/57) - HASH ARRAYS by Przemyslaw Czerpak
They can be created using => for list of keys and values enclosed
inside {}, f.e.:
hVal := { "ABC" => 123.45, ;
100.1 => date(), ;
100.2 => 10, ;
100 => 5, ;
date()-1 => .t. }
and then items can be accessed using [] operator, f.e.:
? hVal[ "ABC" ] // 123.45
? hVal[ 100 ] // 5
? hVal[ date()-1 ] // .t.
? hVal[ 100.2 ] // 10
? hVal[ 100.1 ] // date()
By default hash items in both compiler support automatic adding new elements
on assign operation. It can be disabled using one of hash item functions.
Harbour has additional extension which allows to enable autoadd with default
values also for access operation and reference operator. It also supports
well passing hash array items by reference and has some other minor
xHarbour does not support autoadd on access or reference operations and
passing hash array items by reference does not work (see passing array and
hash item by reference).
Both compilers have set of functions to make different operations on hash
arrays which give similar functionality. In Harbour they use HB_H prefix
(f.e. HB_HSCAN()) in xHarbour H prefix (f.e. HSCAN())
xHarbour has additional functionality which can be enabled for each hash
array using HSetAACompatibility() function. It's an index where is stored
information about the order in which items were added to hash array and
set of functions with HAA prefix to operate on hash array items using this
index instead of real position in hash array, i.e. HAAGETVALUEAT() which
works like HGETVALUEAT().
In Harbour such functionality also exists and it's enabled by HB_HKEEPORDER() function but the internal implementation is completely different. Harbour does not emulate associative arrays by special index which keeps assign order but it uses real natural order in hash array. It means that associative array indexes are equal to regular hash indexes so it does not need any translation between them and Harbour users can use regular hash array functions for associative array indexes. So separated functions for accessing by other index are not necessary. The Harbour implementation is also more efficient because it does not introduce linear index updated each time new key is added to hash array.
Harbour emulates HAA*() xHarbour functions in XHB library but only for
compatibility with existing xHarbour code.
HMGS-IDE Released on 4th March 2011
Hi All,
The updated HMGS-IDE binary and sources are published
at the following URL:
2011-03-03: version
*Added : ON DROPFILES event management. Requested by Jaroslav Janik
You can update this build via clicking 'Update' menuitem in the main
menu 'Help'.
Kind Regards,
Grigory Filatov
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Harbour/xharbour Diff (3/57) - EXTENDED CODEBLOCKS by Przemyslaw Czerpak
Both compilers support compile time extended codeblocks which allow to use statements but with a little bit different syntax. Harbour uses standard Clipper codeblock delimiters {}, f.e.: ? eval( { | p1, p2, p3 | ? p1, p2, p3 return p1 + p2 + p3 }, 1, 2, 3 ) and xHarbour <>, f.e.: ? eval( < | p1, p2, p3 | ? p1, p2, p3 return p1 + p2 + p3 >, 1, 2, 3 ) In Harbour extended codeblocks works like nested functions and support all functions attributes, f.e. they can have own static variables or other declarations which are local to extended codeblocks only and do not effect upper function body. In xHarbour the compiler was not fully updated for such functionality and extended codeblocks were added to existing compiler structures what causes that not all language constructs work in extended codeblocks and creates a set of very serious compiler bugs, f.e., like in this code with syntax errors but which is compiled by xHarbour without even single warning giving unexpected results at runtime: #ifndef __XHARBOUR__ #xtranslate \<|[]| => {| | #xcommand > [<*x*>] => } #endif proc main() local cb, i for i:=1 to 5 cb := <| p | ? p exit return p * 10 > ?? eval( cb, i ) next return It's possible to create many other similar examples which are mostly caused by missing in the compiler infrastructure for nested functions support. This can be fixed if someone invest some time to clean xHarbour compiler.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Harbour/xharbour Diff (2/57) -NEW LANGUAGE STATEMENTS by Przemyslaw Czerpak
Harbour support all xHarbour functionality and it offers also additional features which are not available in xHarbour. a) it allows to iterate more then one variable FOR EACH a, b, c IN aVal, cVal, hVal ? a, b, c NEXT b) it allows to set descending order by DESCEND flag, f.e.: FOR EACH a, v IN aVal, cVal DESCEND ? a, b NEXT c) it has native support for hashes: FOR EACH x IN { "ABC" => 123, "ASD" => 456, "ZXC" => 789 } ? x, "@", x:__enumKey() NEXT d) it allows to assign string items, f.e.: s := "abcdefghijk" FOR EACH c IN @s IF c $ "aei" c := UPPER( c ) ENDIF NEXT ? s // AbcdEfghIjk e) it gives OOP interface to control enumerator variables what is very important when more then one variable is iterated or when FOR EACH is called recursively, f.e.: hVal := { "ABC" => 123, "ASD" => 456, "ZXC" => 789 } FOR EACH x IN hVal ? x:__enumIndex(), ":", x:__enumKey(), "=>", x:__enumValue(), ; "=>", x:__enumBase()[ x:__enumKey() ] NEXT f) it gives very flexible OOP mechanism to overload FOR EACH behavior for user define objects adding to above enumerator methods also __enumStart(), __enumStop(), __enumSkip() methods what allows to implement many different enumeration algorithms depending on used data g) it does not have any hardcoded limitations for recursive calls (it's limited only by available memory and HVM stack size), f.e.: proc main() p( 0 ) return proc p( n ) local s := "a", x ? n if n < 1000 for each x in s p( n + 1 ) next endif return In xHarbour there is function HB_ENUMINDEX() which is supported by Harbour in XHB library. 2. WITH OBJECT / END[WITH]3. SWITCH / [ CASE / [EXIT] / ... ] OTHERWISE / END[SWITCH]4. BEGIN SEQUENCE [ WITH] In Harbour it does not have any hardcoded limitations for recursive calls (it's limited only by available memory and HVM stack size), f.e.: proc main() p( 0 ) return proc p( n ) ? n if n < 1000 with object n p( n + 1 ) end endif return It also uses OOP interface just like FOR EACH, so it's possible to use :__withObject() to access / assign current WITH OBJECT value. In xHarbour there are functions HB_QWITH(), HB_WITHOBJECTCOUNTER() and HB_RESETWITH() which are supported by Harbour in XHB library. In Harbour it uses jump table with predefined values what gives significant speed improvement in comparison to sequential PCODE evaluation just like in DO CASE statements. In xHarbour SWITCH does not use such jump table and generated PCODE is similar to the one used for DO CASE or IF / ELSEIF and only the main switch value calculation is optimized and reused for all statements so speed improvement is relatively small. In xHarbour instead of OTHERWISE the DEFAULT clause is used. As SWITCH values Harbour supports integer numbers and strings, f.e.: switch x case 1 ; [...] case 10002 ; [...] case "data" ; [...] otherwise ; [...] endswitch xHarbour supports only integer numbers and one character length strings like "A", "!", "x", " ", ... [ RECOVER [ USING] ] [ ALWAYS ] END SEQUENCE It's unique to Harbour. In xHarbour limited version of above statement exists as: TRY [ CATCH [ ] ] [ FINALLY ] END TRY gives exactly the same functionality as: BEGIN SEQUENCE WITH { |e| break(e) } With the exception to SWITCH implementation, in all other statements described above, xHarbour causes performance reduction in PCODE evaluation even if user does not use them at all. In Harbour they are implemented in different way which does not cause any overhead and slowness for other code.
More at http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/harbour-project/trunk/harbour/doc/xhb-diff.txt
Welcome to Clipper... Clipper... Clipper
In 1997, then using Delphi 3, I had already created 32-bits Windows applications for HRIS, ERP and CRM. In 2007, using Ruby on Rails, an AJAX powered CRM site running on Apache & MySQL was created and I am now using Visual Studio .Net 2008 to create web-based projects and Delphi 7 for Win32 applications using SQL2005 & DBFCDX.
So, why then am I reviving the Original Clipper... Clipper... Clipper via a Blog as CA-Clipper is a programming language for the DOS world ? Believe it or not, there are still some clients using my mission-critical CA-Clipper applications for DOS installed in the late 80's and up to the mid 90's. This is testimony to CA-Clipper's robustness as a language :-)
With the widespread introduction of Windows 7 64-bits as the standard O/S for new Windows based PCs & Notebooks, CA-Clipper EXE simply will not work and it has become imperative for Clipper programmers to migrate immediately to Harbour to build 32/64 bits EXEs
Since 28th January 2009, this blog has been read by 134,389 (10/3/11 - 39,277) unique visitors (of which 45,151 (10/3/11 - 13,929) are returning visitors) from 103 countries and 1,574 cities & towns in Europe (37; 764 cities), North America (3; 373 cities) , Central America & Caribeans (6; 13 cities), South America(10; 226 cities), Africa & Middle-East (12; 44 cities) , Asia-Pacific (21; 175 cities). So, obviously Clipper is Alive & Well : -)
TIA & Enjoy ! (10th October 2012, 11:05; 13th November 2015)
Original Welcome Page for Clipper... Clipper... Clipper
This site started out as a teeny-weeny section of Who the heck is Chee Chong Hwa ? and has graduated into a full blown web site of more than 140 pages (actually hundreds of A4 size pages) ! This is due to its growing popularity and tremendous encouragements from visiting Clipperheads from 100 countries worldwide, from North America, Central America, Caribbean, South America, Europe, Middle-East, Africa and Asia-Pacific. Thanx Clipperheads, you all made this happen !
What is Clipper ?
You may ask, what is this Clipper stuff ? Could Clipper be something to do with sailing as it is the name of a very fast sailing American ship in the 19th century ?Well, Clipper or to be precise, CA-Clipper is the premier PC-Software development tool for DOS. It was first developed by Nantucket Corporation initially as a compiler for dBase3+ programs. Since then, CA-Clipper has evolved away from its x-base roots with the introduction of lexical scoping & pre-defined objects like TBrowse. As at today, the most stable version ofClipper is 5.2e while the latest version, 5.3a was introduced on 21 May 1996.
As at 11th November, 1996, an unofficial 5.3a fixes file was made available by Jo French. See the About CA-Clipper 5.3a section for more details. BTW, Jo French uploaded the revised 5.3a fixes file on 20th November, 1996.
Latest News
The latest news is that CA has finally released the long-awaited 5.3b patch on 21 May, 1997.
For 5.3b users, you must a take a look at Jo French's comments on unfixed bugs in 5.3b.
BTW, have you used Click ? If you're a serious Clipperprogrammer and need an excellent code formatter, Click is a natural choice. How to get it ? Simple, access Phil Barnett's site via my Cool Clipper Sites.
32-bits Clipper for Windows ?
Have you tried Xbase ++ ? Well, I have and compared to Delphi (my current Windows programming tool of choice), I'm still sticking to Delphi.Anyway, you should visit the Alaska Home Page. Give it a chance and then draw your own conclusions !.
The Harbour Project
Is this the future of Xbase ? Take a look at at the Harbour ProjectYou are Visitor # ...
According to counter.digits.com, you are visitor since 3 June 1996.
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